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Stunning Companion Plants For Annabelle Hydrangeas

Stunning Companion Plants for Annabelle Hydrangeas

Annabelle hydrangeas are a popular choice for gardeners because of their large, creamy white blooms. They are relatively easy to care for and can tolerate a variety of conditions. However, to really make your Annabelle hydrangeas shine, you need to plant them with the right companion plants.

In this blog post, we will discuss some of the best companion plants for Annabelle hydrangeas. We will also provide tips on how to choose the right plants for your specific needs.

Choosing Companion Plants for Annabelle Hydrangeas

When choosing companion plants for Annabelle hydrangeas, there are a few things to keep in mind. First, you need to consider the size of the hydrangeas. Annabelle hydrangeas can grow up to 6 feet tall and wide, so you need to choose plants that will not be overshadowed.

Second, you need to consider the light requirements of the plants. Annabelle hydrangeas prefer full sun to partial shade. However, some of the companion plants we will discuss can tolerate full shade.

Finally, you need to consider the color of the hydrangeas. Annabelle hydrangeas typically bloom white, but some varieties can bloom pink or blue. You can choose companion plants that will complement the color of the hydrangeas, or you can choose plants with contrasting colors.

Here are some of the best companion plants for Annabelle hydrangeas:

  • Hostas. Hostas are a classic choice for companion plants for hydrangeas. They come in a variety of colors, so you can find one that will complement the color of your hydrangeas. Hostas also provide a nice contrast to the large leaves of the hydrangeas. Image of Hostas companion plants for Annabelle hydrangeas
  • Azaleas. Azaleas are another great choice for companion plants for hydrangeas. They bloom in the spring, so they will add color to your garden before the hydrangeas start to bloom. Azaleas come in a variety of colors, so you can find one that will complement the color of your hydrangeas. Image of Azaleas companion plants for Annabelle hydrangeas
  • Ferns. Ferns are a good choice for companion plants for hydrangeas because they have similar growing conditions. They both prefer moist, well-drained soil and partial shade. Ferns also provide a nice contrast to the large leaves of the hydrangeas. Image of Ferns companion plants for Annabelle hydrangeas
  • Perennial geraniums. Perennial geraniums are a great choice for companion plants for hydrangeas because they bloom for a long period of time. They will add color to your garden from early summer to late fall. Perennial geraniums come in a variety of colors, so you can find one that will complement the color of your hydrangeas. Image of Perennial geraniums companion plants for Annabelle hydrangeas
  • Impatiens. Impatiens are a good choice for companion plants for hydrangeas because they are shade-tolerant and easy to care for. They will add color to your garden from early summer to late fall. Impatiens come in a variety of colors, so you can find one that will complement the color of your hydrangeas. Image of Impatiens companion plants for Annabelle hydrangeas
  • Lavender. Lavender is a good choice for companion plants for hydrangeas because it has a similar fragrance. It also attracts pollinators, which will help to keep your garden healthy. Lavender comes in a variety of colors, so you can find one that will complement the color of your hydrangeas. Image of Lavender companion plants for Annabelle hydrangeas


These are just a few of the many great companion plants for Annabelle hydrangeas. By choosing the right plants, you can create a beautiful and harmonious garden.

Hydrangea Annabelle is a popular shrub that is known for its large, white blooms. It is a relatively easy plant to care for, but it can be even more beautiful when it is planted with complementary companion plants.

Some of the best companion plants for Hydrangea Annabelle include:

  • Hostas: Hostas are shade-loving plants that have attractive foliage that can help to fill in the space around the hydrangea. They also help to improve the drainage of the soil, which is important for hydrangeas.
  • Azaleas: Azaleas are another shade-loving plant that can complement the white blooms of Hydrangea Annabelle. They come in a variety of colors, so you can choose ones that will match your hydrangea's color or create a contrast.
  • Ferns: Ferns are a classic choice for companion plants, and they can add a touch of elegance to your garden. They are also relatively low-maintenance, so they are a good choice for busy gardeners.
  • Daylilies: Daylilies are a colorful addition to any garden, and they can bloom for months. They are also relatively drought-tolerant, so they can help to fill in the space around the hydrangea during the summer months when the hydrangea is not blooming.

If you are looking for more information about Hydrangea Annabelle companion plants, I recommend visiting Gardenia Inspiration. This website has a comprehensive list of companion plants for hydrangeas, as well as tips on how to choose the right plants for your garden.

FAQ of hydrangea annabelle companion plants

1. What are the best companion plants for hydrangea Annabelle?

The best companion plants for hydrangea Annabelle are those that share similar growing conditions. This means that they should all be able to tolerate partial shade, moist soil, and acidic soil. Some good companion plants for hydrangea Annabelle include:

  • Azaleas Image of Azaleas hydrangea annabelle companion plants
  • Boxwoods Image of Boxwoods hydrangea annabelle companion plants
  • Coral bells Image of Coral bells hydrangea annabelle companion plants
  • Hostas Image of Hostas hydrangea annabelle companion plants
  • Iris Image of Iris hydrangea annabelle companion plants
  • Lily of the valley Image of Lily of the valley hydrangea annabelle companion plants
  • Virginia bluebells Image of Virginia bluebells hydrangea annabelle companion plants

2. What are some good annual companion plants for hydrangea Annabelle?

If you're looking for annual companion plants for hydrangea Annabelle, there are a few good options. Some annuals that will do well in the same conditions as hydrangea Annabelle include:

  • Baby's breath Image of Baby's breath hydrangea annabelle companion plants
  • Coleus Image of Coleus hydrangea annabelle companion plants
  • Marigolds Image of Marigolds hydrangea annabelle companion plants
  • Petunias Image of Petunias hydrangea annabelle companion plants
  • Zinnias Image of Zinnias hydrangea annabelle companion plants

3. What are some tips for planting hydrangea Annabelle with companion plants?

When planting hydrangea Annabelle with companion plants, there are a few things to keep in mind. First, make sure that the companion plants you choose will not compete with the hydrangea for water or nutrients. Second, consider the height and spread of the companion plants when choosing them. You don't want to plant anything that will overshadow the hydrangea or crowd it out. Finally, plant the companion plants in a way that complements the hydrangea's blooms. For example, you could plant a blue hydrangea with pink azaleas to create a beautiful contrast.

4. What are some common problems with hydrangea Annabelle companion plants?

One common problem with hydrangea Annabelle companion plants is that they can be susceptible to pests and diseases. If you notice any signs of pests or diseases, be sure to treat them promptly. Another common problem is that companion plants can sometimes outgrow the hydrangea. If this happens, you may need to prune the companion plants back to keep them in check.

5. When is the best time to plant hydrangea Annabelle with companion plants?

The best time to plant hydrangea Annabelle with companion plants is in the spring or fall. This will give the plants time to establish themselves before the hot summer weather arrives.

Image of hydrangea annabelle companion plants

5 different images of "hydrangea annabelle companion plants" from Pinterest:

  1. Hostas: Hostas are a classic companion plant for hydrangeas. They have similar growing requirements and their dark green leaves provide a nice contrast to the white flowers of Annabelle hydrangeas. Image of Hostas and hydrangea annabelle
  2. Azaleas: Azaleas are another good choice for companion plants for Annabelle hydrangeas. They bloom in the spring, so they can add some color to the garden before the hydrangeas start to bloom. Image of Azaleas and hydrangea annabelle
  3. Ornamental grasses: Ornamental grasses add movement and texture to a garden, and they can also help to define the space around a hydrangea. Some good choices for ornamental grasses include blue fescue, dwarf fountain grass, and Japanese forest grass. Image of Ornamental grasses and hydrangea annabelle
  4. Periwinkle: Periwinkle is a low-growing groundcover that can help to fill in the space around a hydrangea. It has pretty blue flowers in the spring, and it can also help to suppress weeds. Image of Periwinkle and hydrangea annabelle
  5. Brunnera: Brunnera is another good choice for a groundcover companion plant for hydrangeas. It has blue-green leaves that provide a nice contrast to the white flowers of Annabelle hydrangeas. Image of Brunnera and hydrangea annabelle

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